What can healthcare startups learn from the porn industry ?

Porn is still the number one topic for which users search online. If you stop to think about this, it’s quite surprising that online porn is such big business. Intuitively, one would expect that sexual pleasuring is the one area which needs a hands on personal touch , and yet the adult industry is able to deliver pleasure online to millions, using clever technology. Can healthcare learn how to successfully replace high touch with high tech from them ?As my friend, Sanjiv Khandelwal pointed out,

Source: www.linkedin.com

Is Agile Development a Failing Concept? – Slashdot

Nerval’s Lobster writes: Many development teams have embraced Agile as the ideal method for software development, relying on cross-functional teams and adaptive planning to see their product through to the finish line. Agile has its roots in the Agile Manifesto, the product of 17 software developers…

Source: developers.slashdot.org

Good article and discussion. 

Welcome to Keefner

Brushy Lake

All things kiosk, retail automation, golf, scotch, bluegrass, guitar, gardening and always winning at cards (well, almost always…)

Right now here in 2014 I am in the middle of migrating sites much like the geese who have started to appear in squadrons, and the birds perched in a line on telephone lines like musical notes…Not sure how much longer we’ll have telephone lines to look at, or for birds to sit on…